
Protect yourself from this iPhone video bug

Although iPhone bugs and malware are typically unheard of, there’s one circulating the web that you should be aware of right now. The bug, which was discovered in Reddit, is a brief, five-second video that when played causes your iPhone to freeze and ultimately crash. So far the malicious video’s intentions are still unknown, but […]

Office 365 Hub app released with Windows 10

When you subscribe to Office 365 as an Insider, you now have access to a new Get Office App known as Hub, a management program that allows subscribers to try out the new management application for 365 users on Windows 10. Here’s the rundown on the new feature and what it can do for your […]

Beware of Google Spam Email

Beware of emails appearing to come from Google warning you that “Your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date”.

In this latest spam wave, cyber crooks are tricking users into downloading the well-known browser, except that it’s a dangerous Trojan that will encrypt your personal files and demand a hefty ransom to decrypt them back.

Security breaches: tips for prevention

As long as businesses host valuable data, cyber criminals will continue to bypass the security protocols meant to protect this data. The causes of security breaches range from device theft or loss, weak and stolen credentials, malware, and outdated systems that use ineffective security measures. And with these five tips, you can take the first […]

IoT scanner reveals security weaknesses

The owner of a small business has enough to worry about without adding online security to the mix. But with the proliferation of smart devices that come in everything from Fit Bits to smoke alarms, hackers are now able to access sensitive information. Read on to find out about the “Internet of Things” (IoT) scanner […]

E-commerce and AI: what you need to know

One of the hottest topics in tech and in business is artificial intelligence (more accurately “machine learning” or AI). Many business owners are currently looking to this technology for its potential to improve customer communications, and it is predicted that by the year 2020, 85 percent of all interactions will originate from machine learning “bots.” […]

How data analytics helps prioritize backups

The astounding amount of data that businesses create on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis is totally unprecedented. And that number doesn’t show any signs of slowing, most likely reaching 1.7 terabytes per person by the year 2020. For businesses harnessing that data, this creates a major challenge: Current data storage limitations make it nearly […]

iPad Mini 5 feature leaks

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, the new iPad Mini 5 will not be launched like other Apple products in September. People expect it to be launched in March 2017. The previous iPad Mini 4 is like the first iPad but slimmer and with additional features. iPad Mini 5 is expected to be an improved version of […]

New features keep Office 365 users safe

The new features recently unveiled by Office 365 promise to bring business owners to a more secure and knowledgeable position in which to make important decisions regarding the future of their corporation. Microsoft expanded the popular program’s basic scope to include data protection and productivity tools, including the replacement of Delve Analytics with the MyAnalytics […]

Reasons Google search is now mobile first

When it comes to using the internet, specifically to search for businesses, information, or specific websites, Google is second to none. This powerhouse in the online community has recently made changes to its search feature and has now become mobile-first. If you are wondering what this could mean for you and for your business, get […]