
Why HTML5 leads the charge for Chrome

Most people are familiar with the problems associated with loading a Flash-based page, from slower loading times to page crashes that require restarting the browser altogether. Now, Google has announced that its browser will disable Flash and initiate an HTML5 default that will eventually trickle down to every Chrome user. Learn more about how Google […]

Data analysis made easy with “Glue” service

At a recent cloud technology conference, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched a tool to help streamline data analytics in the cloud. This new tool, named “Glue,” is designed to help reduce the burden on engineers and employees so they can get down to the important elements of data analytics. Read on for an explanation of […]

“Report junk” feature to reduce iCal spam

A new form of spam is cluttering up iCloud Calendars, and Apple hopes its new feature will get it under control. By inviting users to report and remove items they never wanted on their calendar, Apple believes it can get to the root of the problem and stop it from growing altogether. If you’re frustrated […]

“App Maker” is the newest service from Google

Businesses use apps every day to help them complete business tasks. Unfortunately, developing those apps is challenging if business owners don’t have a great deal of programming and coding experience on staff. Google has announced their solution to this problem: App Maker. This is a simple and easy solution to the problem of developing an […]

Best business apps: OneDrive vs SharePoint

SharePoint and OneDrive are similar programs used to help business owners manage and share company data across the board. Choosing which program will best utilize the space and resources you have can be confusing. For a quick overview of these unique programs and how to rationalize the choice for your business, continue reading. Similarities between […]

New cyber-threats in 2017 to watch out for

The New Year is upon us, and with it comes a new batch of cyber threats. As advances are made in the world of technology, businesses anticipate changes that can make life more convenient. But, like snakes slithering into your home, cyber attackers also keep up with technological changes for their own nefarious ends. Knowing […]

Turning Instagram audience into customers

From being an emerging app that allows sharing photos of puppies in vintage-themed filters, Instagram has transformed into a marketing tool that savvy businesses ought to have. The photo-sharing giant now has more than 500 million users, making it an ideal online marketplace. Most businesses have an account, and those that know how to create […]

Points to ponder: small business computers

Buying a computer for a small business seems like a simple task. You work from a budget, go to a store, buy the computer, and assemble the components. This would be true for small businesses from decades past, but times have dramatically changed. To keep up, small businesses must make smart decisions when it comes […]

Amazon Web Services lowers storage prices

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has made another dramatic price adjustment to its popular S3 cloud storage service. By modifying the organization of its pricing tiers, it is estimated that consumers will notice a drop of at least 20% in the monthly price they pay for the technology. Keep reading to learn more about these new […]

How automation helps with SMB marketing

Small business marketing has often been a difficult endeavor for small business owners. Marketing involves a great deal of time, effort, and can require significant financial investment. For a long time, marketing automation was something only enterprise-level businesses and corporations could afford, but with new technology, that’s no longer the case. Read up on the […]