Threat alert: self-replicating ransomware

The worrisome rise of ransomware doesn’t seem to be slowing as Microsoft recently announced the detection of self-propagating iterations of the malware. With this evolution, it is essential for SMBs to update their understanding of this security threat in order to properly protect themselves. Keep reading to learn how ransomware is continuing to extend its […]

Google I/O 2016’s key announcements

In an age where information is abundant and easy to access, it’s quite hard to differentiate between what’s important and what’s not. Luckily, annual conferences like Google I/O 2016 help keep budding developers and tech connoisseurs up-to-date by going through a series of key announcements. On top of that, a variety of interesting products are […]

Microsoft is hanging up on Windows Phone

For the past couple of years, Microsoft’s smartphones have been struggling to keep up with Android and Apple devices. Although Microsoft sells their handsets at lower price points and are constantly trying to improve user experience, the Windows Phone just isn’t cutting it in the consumer market. So what’s happening to Microsoft’s smartphone business? Let’s […]

Is a Chromebook right for your business?

The Chromebook has been on the market since 2011. While back then many people scoffed at the idea of buying a laptop made predominantly for internet use, with the rise of cloud computing these days, it now looks like more of a viable option for businesses. So how do you know whether or not a […]

Healthcare trends you should follow

“We are living in a digital world, and healthcare practices need a URL”. If Madonna could change the lyrics of her 1984 classic to speak to the healthcare industry, she may have sang something like this. A URL is just one facet of the digital strategy that hospitals and private practices alike will need to […]

Market your business on Facebook for free

Most small and medium sized businesses have a tight marketing budget – especially when it comes to social media. So if you’re looking to get noticed on Facebook, you may be reluctant to spend cash on an ad campaign. Luckily for you, there are several ways you can market your business on Facebook that won’t […]

6 types of live video to engage customers

The speed and quality of internet connections continue to offer SMBs more opportunities for reaching customers and clients. One of the most recent innovations is live video streaming, an inexpensive and convenient way to increase your business value and diversify your services portfolio. It’s a huge and open-ended service, so why don’t we narrow down […]

Browser power: 6 great Chrome extensions

According to Statcounter’s April web browser usage report, Google Chrome accounts for over 60 percent of the market share. However, out of all those people how many are employing any of the truly helpful extensions offered in Chrome’s web store? The answer is almost certainly less people than the number of those who have problems […]

Anatomy of a Phishing Email Attack:

Many of us may be familiar with phishing — a malicious attempt to acquire sensitive information or by masquerading as a trustworthy source via email, text, pop-up message, etc. — but we still think of it as easy-to-spot spam messages from Nigerian princes.

iPad Pro feedback from early adopters

You may still be on the fence about whether or not to purchase an iPad Pro for your business. While you can find a lot of coverage on Apple’s latest tablet online, you may wonder what actual users think. Today, you’ll discover just that. CIO, a website that delivers the latest news and tips for […]